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(Undergraduate) BA(Hons) Primary Education Programme Information

Course Overview

The BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS is a full-time three year BA (Honours) degree course, which prepares student teachers for work in primary schools. Graduates from these courses have high levels of skill in planning, assessing and teaching across the 5-11 age range.

Our vision is to develop highly skilled, motivated and informed teachers, with a passionate commitment to ensuring that all their learners access the high- quality education to which they are entitled. The Curriculum we offer is discussed and co-delivered in Partnership with our schools. It is designed to be purposefully integrated and sequenced across a wide range of settings. It is carefully considered, in order to support our student teachers in gaining expertise in the subject(s) they are learning to teach. We focus on high quality subject teaching to all pupils, adapting learning (where necessary) for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and those who speak English as an Additional Language (EAL) whilst maintaining high expectations for all: equality of opportunity is central to our partnership, and we work closely with a diverse range of schools and their communities. The curriculum for all LJMU student teachers includes and extends the entitlement set out in the ITT Core Content Framework.

Assessment on the Undergraduate Primary Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses comprises module and teaching assessments spread over each year at intervals, appropriate to the phases of school-based training and the necessary level of academic learning. All student teachers must demonstrate the Teachers’ Standards and pass their Phase 3 placement at Triangulation, in order to be recommended for QTS.

During school placements. formative assessment, by both school-based and university-based staff, is an important element of the course. This includes formal lesson observation, analysis and feedback, which support on-going evaluation, review and target setting by the student teacher. The Weekly meeting and Target setting document is completed each week during the placement experience, to capture training and review and set targets. Five Review Forms are completed during placement experiences, by the ITT Mentor in conjunction with the student teacher and Professional Mentor. The QTS Training and Development File contains a record of the school-based curriculum, along with student-teachers' Placement Experience File(s). Student teachers are NOT required to collate a separate QTS file/portfolio, and are discouraged from doing so, as part of LJMU’s commitment to reducing teacher workload.

All LJMU ITE Programmes operate a ‘phased’ approach to curriculum design and placement experience. The focus of the curriculum and expectations for each year of this programme are as follows:

Year 1

Centre based Training School based training Expected Outcomes

The ITE curriculum in Year 1 focuses on the foundational knowledge student teachers need, with a particular focus in induction on the professional values, responsibilities and statutory duties of teachers (including child protection.)

The Year 1 curriculum includes principles for effective classroom management; an understanding of how pupils learn and its impact on lesson design and the auditing and development of appropriate subject knowledge for teaching, with a focus on Key Stage 1.

The Year 1 curriculum includes the following Modules:

  • Introduction to Professional Practice;
  • Developing the whole child;
  • Teaching English at Key Stage 1;
  • Teaching Mathematics at Key Stage 1;
  • Teaching the Foundation Subjects at Key Stage 1;
  • Science, Design and Technology and Computing in the Key Stage 1 Curriculum;
  • Teaching Reading and Spelling Using Systematic Synthetic Phonics

The centre-based Year 1 curriculum will be extended and contextualised within the Year 1 placements. Student teachers will observe and discuss teaching and learning in action with expert practitioners and consolidate their knowledge through making connections with centre-based learning.

They will observe, reflect on, and discuss how expert practitioners manage the classroom environment and behaviour of pupils.

Mentors will guide them in unpicking how experienced teachers use knowledge of their pupils and of the curriculum to plan and prepare ambitious lessons.

They will consider the application of their emerging subject knowledge, skills and understanding within the school’s curriculum framework, and begin to identify and address gaps.

During their Year 1 block placement in Key Stage 1 all student teachers will be engaged in team teaching, teaching parts of lessons and some solo lessons under the guidance of the ITT Mentor or classroom teacher. This provides opportunities to practise emerging skills.

They should be responding to advice and feedback and be able to evaluate and reflect, so that they improve their understanding and practice.

The End of Year 1 review is completed by ITT Mentors in schools.

At the end of Year 1 we expect student teachers to:

  • Understand and display the professional requirements of Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards;
  • Display high expectations of themselves and for their learners and a positive attitude within all learning environments;
  • Be aware of all statutory requirements for Safeguarding and know how to follow the school’s policies;
  • Understand principles of effective classroom management and know how to implement their school behaviour policy;
  • Be aware of and be starting to address their own Subject Knowledge development needs and understand the importance and scope of subject knowledge for teaching;
  • Be gaining knowledge of how pupils learn and of how this understanding is implemented within their own subject teaching;
  • Become increasingly skilled in observing and deconstructing effective planning and teaching, in order to learn effectively from expert practitioners and reflect on their own emerging practice;
  • Be proactive and conscientious in completing tasks required of them by LJMU and by ITT Mentors, including setting up, sharing and maintaining their QTS file.

Year 2

Centre based Training School based training Expected Outcomes

The ITE Curriculum in Year 2 further develops a critical, research-informed understanding of pedagogy, curriculum planning and class management, alongside broadening and deepening subject knowledge for teaching across the curriculum, with a focus on Key Stage 2.

There is an increased focus on understanding the role of assessment to improve learning, and on adapting teaching to meet a range of individual needs.

The Year 2 curriculum includes the following Modules:

  • Developing Professional Practice;
  • Understanding Specific Learning Needs of Children;
  • Teaching English at Key Stage 2;
  • Teaching Mathematics at Key Stage 2;
  • Teaching the Foundation Subjects at Key Stage 2;
  • Science, Design and Technology and Computing in the Key Stage 2 Curriculum;
  • Enriching Primary Practice

During the Year 2 placement, the centre-based curriculum will be extended and contextualised within school placements. Students will spend their block placement in Key Stage 2.

During the Year 2 placement student teachers have an increasingly independent responsibility for planning and teaching lessons which are well matched to the needs of groups and individuals, and for planning sequences of lessons as part of an ambitious curriculum.

Expert colleagues will support student teachers’ planning skills; helping them learn how to; take into account pupils’ prior knowledge, decide how much new information to introduce and break down complex material into smaller steps. Mentors will provide a model for and guide students in sequencing learning; balancing exposition, repetition, practice and retrieval of critical knowledge and skills, and explaining key concepts to reduce misconceptions.

There will be a continued training focus on Subject Knowledge for teaching and on appropriate Subject specific pedagogies. Student teachers will consolidate their understanding of the key concepts, knowledge, skills and principles of subjects and how these are built into curricular progression models.

Mentors will develop student teachers’ skills in assessment, including questioning, strategies for identification of knowledge gaps and misconceptions, effective feedback and school recording policies.

Mentors will develop student teachers’ skills in supporting pupils with a range of additional needs, including how to use the SEND Code of Practice. They will learn how to adapt learning, whilst maintaining high expectations for all, working with other adults as appropriate.

Mid- point and end of Placement reviews are completed by ITT Mentors in schools. At the end of Year 2 we expect student teachers to:

  • Create a learning environment which reflects consistently high expectations and manage pupils’ behaviour in line with school policies.
  • Plan and teach lessons which demonstrate understanding of how pupils’ learn and develop, and which select and use appropriate teaching strategies for the subject matter and classes taught.
  • Demonstrate secure subject knowledge in their daily teaching and be proactive in addressing any areas of need.
  • Use a range of assessment strategies to evaluate both their own teaching and pupils’ learning and progress, and know how to to use this information to design, adapt and sequence future plans.
  • Adapt planning and teaching to respond to a range of learning needs, and if necessary, know where to seek help and advice to support pupils with SEND.
  • respond constructively to challenge, feedback and critique, and continuously improve their understanding and practice.
  • Have a positive impact on pupil progress and an increasing confidence in teaching across the curriculum.

Year 3

Centre based Training School based training Expected Outcomes

The ITE Curriculum in Year 3 further extends student teachers’ critical engagement with research and practice, within the relevant subject(s) and age phase(s). Much of Year 3 is school based, as the student teacher completes their final placement, extending their knowledge and skills in order to achieve a recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

The Year 3 curriculum includes these Modules:

  • Extending Professional Practice;
  • Cross-curricular models;
  • Advanced Primary English;
  • Advanced Primary Mathematics;
  • Advanced Primary Science;
  • School – based research

During Phase 3, the ITE curriculum will be further extended and contextualised within school placements.

Training will enable student teachers to successfully demonstrate a range of teaching approaches, appropriate to subject, age and individual needs, and contribute to the development of curriculum thinking, drawing on evidence from research.

Whilst we expect the ITE curriculum to be increasingly personalised during Year 3, in order to meet individual areas for development and school priorities, it is likely that student teachers’ understanding and experience of working with other adults (including parents), and of assessment and adaptive teaching will need deepening during this final period, supported by expert colleagues.

During the Year 3 placement, student teachers have more independent responsibility for planning and teaching lessons which are well matched to the needs of groups and individuals, and for planning units of work as part of an ambitious curriculum, with a positive impact on pupil progress.

Mid- point and end of Placement reviews are completed by ITT Mentors in schools. In Year 3, these reviews assess progress against the Teachers’ Standards. By the end of the Year 3 placement, we expect student teachers to:

  • To meet the requirements of LJMU’s ITE curriculum, which incorporates Part 1 and Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards, and therefore be recommended for QTS.
  • Respond constructively to challenge, feedback and critique, and demonstrate a commitment to continuously improve their understanding and practice, reflected in their Career Entry and Development Profile.

Liaison Tutor Support

Programme Curriculum Information

These Phase documents give an overview of the ITE curriculum programme. These overviews are useful for teachers in training and their mentors. They help to see what aspects of the curriculum have been delivered when and how they are built upon in each phase of our carefully sequences curriculum. Further curriculum updates will appear throughout the year, so please regularly check.

Key Dates

Placement Experience

The placement experience is arranged in three Phases, to support student teachers as they begin to teach and take on an increasing teaching load. These phases are:

  • Phase 1 (Year 1): Orientation and Beginning Teaching and Learning.
  • Phase 2 (Year 2): Consolidating and Developing Teaching and Learning
  • Phase 3 (Year 3): Extending Teaching and Learning leading to Qualifying to Teach

Key Dates/Documents

There are key documents that need to be submitted to the University to monitor student teacher progress. All placement experience documentation can be found at www.itt-placement.com.

Phase review forms must be uploaded to the student teachers’ QTS folder by the date indicated below.

Phase Completed by Mentor for: Uploaded by Student Teacher to QTS folder by:
Phase 1 (Yr 1) Thursday 13th June 2024 * Monday 17th June 2024 *
Phase 2 interim Yr2 Friday 22nd March 2024 Monday 25th March 2024
Phase 2 Final Yr 2 Thursday 2nd May 2024 Tuesday 6th May 2024
Phase 3 interim Yr 3 Thursday 14th December 2023 Monday 18th December 2023
Phase 3 Final Yr 3 Thursday 8th February 2024 Monday 12th February 2024

* These dates will be a week later if the placement school has a 2 week half term.

Programme Calendar

Term Dates

The LJMU ITT programmes calendars are based on the Liverpool Local Authority school calendar:

Liverpool LA calendar: https://liverpool.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/term-dates/

With regard to term times, student teachers must ensure that:

  1. Travel arrangements are made to ensure full attendance at University (typically 09:00 to 15:00) and on placement (typically 08:00 to 16:00).
  2. The specific dates for mid and inter-term breaks for their placement schools (i.e. Half Terms, Christmas and Spring Break) are checked, before booking holidays or other personal activities (e.g. medical appointments, etc.).
  3. They avoid, or accept the risk of, booking holidays in the weeks immediately after the official end of their course (e.g. to make up for periods of absence during the course or in case additional days on placement are required in order to meet the Teachers’ Standards).

Placement Overview

NEW: Guidance for Observation and Target Setting

For each subject there are six key observation questions for mentors to consider when undertaking a teaching observation of their student teacher. There is also guidance for target setting for the observation in relation to student teacher’s sequencing and choice of teaching methods, use of assessment (including questioning) and developing subject knowledge and pedagogy in the subject specific document.

End of Section B