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PGCE Primary 3-7 : Assessment of the Teachers' Standards

Making an Assessment of the Teachers' Standards: Qualified Teacher Status

For all Phases it is critical that the comments made on the Review Forms are used to clearly identify the student teacher's progress so that an individual's needs can be targeted during the placement and before the end of the programme.

Evidence of progress should be maintained by the student teacher, agreed by the General Mentor and used as an aide memoire at weekly meetings and review points.

At the end of training General Mentors are required to make an overall assessment of student teacher's attainment based on the evidence presented at triangulation and the following guide:

PASS – has met all aspects of LJMU's ambitious ITE Curriculum and thus Part 1 and Part 2 of the Teachers' Standards.

FAIL – has not met all aspects of LJMU's ambitious ITE Curriculum and thus has not met Part 1 and/or Part 2 of the Teachers' Standards.