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PGCE Primary 3-7 : The Mentoring Process & Forms

The Mentoring Process & Forms

The LJMU Partnership recognises that school General Mentors are fundamental to the quality of the student teachers' learning experiences and to the success of individual student teachers and our ITE programmes. Mentoring will evolve, depending on the Phase of training and a student teacher's individual needs, but typically the role develops from one of supervision in Phase 1, to mentoring in Phase 2 and coaching and co-enquiry in Phase 3.

The mentor development

To facilitate the mentoring role there are several key mentoring processes and associated proformas.

Formative Lesson Analysis Forms (LAFs) and constructive Feedback

  • A minimum of TWO formal LAFs per week (ONE formal for SALARIED student teachers)
  • Lesson Analysis Forms should feed directly into the Weekly Meeting to identify strengths and set targets moving forward.

Weekly Meeting Record

  • A documented weekly with ALL student teachers (Proformas maintained by the student teacher on a weekly basis.)
  • Weekly Meetings result in previous targets being reviewed and new targets being set to move the student teacher on in their classroom practice.

Student Teacher Timetable

  • An up-to-date timetable should be emailed to Lead Mentor (Liaison Tutor/Personal Tutor) allocated to the student teachers placement experience, as appropriate to the Phase, along with the name and contact email of the General Mentor.

Phase Review Forms