During the weekly timetabled meeting, the General (ITT) Mentor will carry out a training session with the student teacher to discuss progress and set targets for development and action points to move forward. The recent lesson analysis forms will be used to frame the conversation. A précis of the development of the student teacher and the rich discussion, together with clear targets and action points, should be recorded on the weekly meeting form and a copy kept by the student teacher in their online QTS Training and Development file (sub-folder 1).
NB: The student teachers are responsible for maintaining the weekly meeting record NOT the General (ITT) Mentor.Scheduled weekly meetings ensure that the student teacher has an opportunity to meet with the General (ITT) Mentor to review their progress. This will also include discussions on developing subject knowledge and associated pedagogy.
It is good practice for the General Mentor (ITT Mentor) to maintain their own file for recording the student teacher's training and progress. This should contain records of:
- the student teacher's individual timetable (which may change as the placement progresses);
- lesson observations and analyses;
- weekly meetings and targets set for their student teacher development;
- placement review forms (download and shared by the student teacher).
The weekly meeting is also vital for student teachers to evaluate and reflect upon their own development and their learners’ progress and to discuss their individual developmental needs. At the weekly meeting agreed targets and appropriate actions to achieve them should be identified and noted. No more than three achievable targets should be set each week. Agreed targets should be specific with a measurable impact on learning so that the student teacher is able to identify progress in achieving them on a weekly basis.
Once the student teacher has evaluated their progress with existing targets it is important to reflect on how to extend them further or develop new ones.
Target setting and review is a cyclical process which should form part of the weekly meeting discussion with the General Mentor (ITT Mentor).